Hornsea Community News

Take up the Walking Football Challenge

Hornsea Town Walking Football Club’s (HTWFC) chairman has put up a Firkin of beer (72 pints) as a prize for the first invited team to beat HTWFC over 60 minutes of play. The first challenge has been accepted by Stackhouse who have agreed to field a squad on Wednesday 9th January 2019. HTWFC has extended a further challenge to the Marine Hotel to a match on the evening of Wednesday 6th February 2019.
The matches will be played on Hornsea School & Language College’s 3G pitch. The format will be 6-a-side on a quarter pitch with up to four substitutes allowed and the match will be refereed under the Walking Football Association’s laws of the game. The main stipulations are no running and no physical contact; otherwise they are fairly straightforward laws.
There will be no age or gender restrictions for players. HTWFC’s current range of players are aged between their 40s to over 70 years young.
Kick-off will be at 6.20 pm with two 30 minute halves plus a generous half-time break.
The club hopes to make the challenge a monthly event with the aim of introducing new faces to our enjoyable code of football. As always, our aim is Fun, Friendship and Fitness!
Mike Evans, Honorary Secretary
tel: 01964 535017