Hornsea Community News

All Action Woman

Hornsea lady, Steph Constable is hoping to become Yorkshire’s female archery champion just three years after taking up the sport. Steph was on holiday in Alnwick, had a go at archery, did rather well and on return found Wolds Archers based in Brandesburton. She became a member and, under guidance, Steph has gone from strength to strength and is now a very accomplished archer. Steph does her archery in her own time as she works at First Steps Nursery where she is not only deputy to owner Gail but is also taking her level 5 in childcare, which is due to finish in December. Not only that, Steph is also a foster carer and she and husband Craig presently foster one child. Back to archery and Wolds Archers who presently have over 20 members, meet three times a week and shoot arrows both indoor and out. Steph shoots with a recurve bow, one of three bow disciplines, (the others being longbow and compound) and under guidance from Yorkshire Champion Paul Jones, a member of the archers of East Riding, Steph’s progress has been phenomenal. She now has ambitions of becoming Yorkshire’s top female archers. Wolds Archers enters competitions all over the north of England and Steph has taken part in events at Bridlington, Burton Constable, Leeds and Nottingham. She is taking part in County competitions, along with other ladies from Yorkshire. Steph’s next competition is on 5th November at Bridlington Sports Hall, an all day indoor affair starting at 11.00 am. Steph is a fine example of a multitasker, by combining a demanding full time job, foster caring and following her passion with a sport she does rather well at. Steph’s progress at Wolds Archers has seen her not only become such a good archer but she is now the Club Secretary. Working together with the Club Chairperson, Georgina Lucas and Treasurer Derek Barnes the Club is doing remarkably well. The Club shoots on Mondays, Fridays and Sundays all the year round with all bow disciplines and this year (2017) celebrates its 10th anniversary and is looking for new members. The Club is affiliated to Archers GB (the National Governing Body), has open days for beginners or anybody possibly looking for a new sport to take up. Archery can be an expensive hobby as bows can be expensive, around £3,000, for a bow and 12 arrows but they can last a lifetime. Of course these potential weapons are always kept under lock and key. Stuart Kemp