Hornsea Community News

A wave of support for the Hollis Rec

A wave of support for the Hollis Rec Over one hundred people attended the Public Meeting about the future of the Hollis Recreation Ground Trust on Monday 18th September, indicating how highly the facility is valued in the town. All the participating sports clubs were represented but most encouraging was the number of residents who came to offer their support. Due to a combination of factors, the Hollis Trust had slipped into a place where it was unable to fulfill the requirements of its charitable status. Six interim trustees were appointed at the AGM in June to assess the situation, secure the charitable status and report back within six months. Significant progress had been made to secure the status and to call a Public Meeting to report on the current position of the charity. There was a very positive response to the request for support with six people requesting Charity Guidance information, with a view to becoming a trustee, and dozens of people offered help in practical terms to support and improve the activities and appearance of the ground. There are a few hurdles yet to clear but with this wave of support the future of the Hollis Recreation Ground Trust is in little doubt – we will keep you informed of the progress made. Thanks must go to Hornsea Indoor Bowls Club who helped to facilitate this meeting.