Hornsea Community News

Fun Run for Cambodia

On a sunny Sunday April morning sixty runners completed the 5km run around Hornsea School and Hall Garth Park to help raise funds for the sixth form trip to Cambodia. In June 2017, a group of Hornsea Sixth Form students will be travelling to Cambodia for two weeks to undertake a voluntary project. Their target is to raise £2,000 to help buy sanitation resources to build three wash rooms and toilets in a very poor village north of Siem Reap. Organiser Emily Cook was pleased with the support received and gave special thanks to the Rotary Club for their excellent marshalling. The winners were Charlie Grazier, Courtney Oldroyd and Evie Ostler Hornsea Sixth Form, in partnership with Hornsea Rotary Club, are organising the first ever Family Fun Run at Hornsea School. The run is a non-competitive event so whilst we welcome runners of all abilities, the event is perfect for those entering their first run. The route will start in the middle of the school, pass around the school fields and go out into Hall Garth Park before finishing back in the school. As a result of the route, the terrain is grass and tarmac and fairly level. All finishers will receive an exciting goodie bag and a certificate. All ages are encouraged to take part and you can run, jog, walk or skip! The event is an opportunity to get fit and have fun! There will be a fancy dress competition with prizes for the best costumes. Be as imaginative as you like! The event is being organised by students at Hornsea Sixth Form to raise money for a volunteering project that they will be doing in Cambodia this summer. In June 2017, a group of 14 Hornsea Sixth Form students and 4 staff will be travelling to Cambodia for two weeks to undertake a voluntary project. They have a target to raise £2,000 to help buy building resources to construct three wash rooms and toilets in embed this infographic a very poor village north of Siem Reap. The group will be spending two weeks supporting this village in the summer. Although this will be an amazing experience for the students going, it will also be very challenging as they will be living in the village and seeing at first hand the hardship there. We have linked up with an NGO (Non-government Organisation) in Cambodia called ‘My Happy Village Cambodia’ (www.myhappyvillagecambodia.org). MHV Cambodia is situated in Prey Chrouk Commune, Puok District, Siem Reap Provence, about 40 kms from Siem Reap town and the famous Temples of Angkor Wat. Near to the Commune the main road turns onto an unmade dirt track. The province of Siem Reap is the third poorest in Cambodia where 30% live below the national poverty line which, in itself, is lower than many other SE Asia countries. Road and travel conditions become difficult with the area threatened with flooding particularly during the rainy season months of September and October. The opposite is true during the dry season when it is very dry affecting the abilities of the farmers and fishermen to maintain their crops and fish stocks. The MHV mission is for every day to be a happy day in the lives of the villagers of Prey Chrouk Commune by: providing English education to the children and young people of this rural area. giving understanding and assistance to obtain better health for the individual through a programme of health awareness, in order that they maintain a healthier lifestyle. providing social support to those poor people and families within the Commune to help them achieve a better life. The overriding vision is to help the children in this remote rural area to gain a greater opportunity in life through the promotion of English education, social awareness and health education. Whilst there, the school group will live in the village and spend some of the time working in the two schools, supporting the teaching of English. They will also support a construction project in one of the villages to help improve the poor sanitation there, as another major problem is the lack of utility services which we take for granted in the west. Water and sanitation are huge problems. The provision of clean drinking water and adequate toilet facilities directly affect the health and well being of the whole community both adults and children. Some of the hard facts about the area include – Water 17% of Cambodians have the facility of piped water. 8.85% have purified water 17.44% have filtered water 38.18% use boiled water 35.53% use direct water sources such as ponds, river water and the like. Sanitation Only 41.12% have toilets. As a result the population and in particular the old and young suffer greatly from waterborne illness and disease. 35% of under 5 year olds are malnourished. 13% of all hospital cases are for diarrhoea problems. So far students have raised £1,000 of the target and we are hoping that the 5 km Family Fund Run will help to bring us closer to the £2,000 that we need. This is the first time that an East Riding school has been involved in such a project that will not only give our students an experience of a life time as well as boost their CVs/personal statements etc but will be one that the school intends to develop in the future and build upon. FUN RUN INFO The Family Fun run will take place on Sunday 23rd April 2017 at Hornsea School and Language College – this is an event for all the family and there will be other attractions at the event to entertain all ages too: Bouncy Castle, Smoothie Bike and Change 4 Life Bus, Face Painting, Tombola/raffle, Refreshments – Food/Ice cream To enter the run you will need to register either online at https://bookitzone.com/emily_cook/Gb2FFX or by picking up a paper registration form from either the secondary school office or by printing a copy off from the website https://hslc.co.uk/sixthform/index.php/2-uncategorised/136-cambodia-2017#Funrun Entry fees for 12 years and older is £5 or £3 for the under 12s