Hornsea Community News

Hornsea Men in Sheds launch community Easter decoration competition

Hornsea Men in Sheds are hoping to spread more community cheer with an Easter decorating competition. Hot on the heels of their recently publicised concrete fairy doors hidden for the community to find and decorate.

LAUNCHED: Brian Amherst and Alan Cusworth with one of the eye-catching poster displays promoting the Easter competition.

Easter competition

The group has launched an Easter competition.  ‘Curly’ Sue, as she is known within the town and the Shed members explains,: “it will hopefully give the town something positive to focus on.” The idea is to decorate the front of your house for Easter. This can be anything from a planter with a bunny in, to the front door, to a big display – the focus is on taking part and enjoying it.

The winner is not picked from the best decorated. Everyone is encouraged to e-mail, Facebook message or post a photo entry to Hornsea Men in Sheds. They will all be printed and put in a hat for the winners to be chosen at random. Sue added: “It is about participation and enjoying seeing them around the town. It gives everyone something to look forward to. A few businesses have already said they are getting on board too.”

DECORATED: Toni and Sue’s front door is decorated ready!

Concrete take and decorate items

The Men in Sheds group are also continuing to make and place concrete trinkets around the town. These include gingerbread men, teddies, fairy doors and houses. They have a note with them saying: “Hornsea Men in Sheds, please take me home and paint me”. These are designed to provide some much needed lockdown happiness.  Sue has now made more than 70.

The future of Hornsea Men in Sheds

The Shed is closed at the moment due to the lockdown, Chairman Alan Cusworth said: “Thank you to those members who have continued to pay subscriptions it is a huge help towards our large overheads so we can ensure the Shed can get back up and running as soon as it is safe to do so.” Alan is hoping that the relaxing of lockdown will see an influx of members keen to try out new hobbies and have a go with the various equipment. Members have access to use a wide range of equipment used in hobbies such as woodwork, pyrography and general crafting. There are also members on hand to help show how they work and offer advice. Some members choose to repair things from home or to make something new with some help and inspiration. 

Their plans for when they reopen include adding sewing and knitting groups and a model railway group. A new polytunnel has also gone up ready for gardeners to get involved too. The group also sells items to help fund the group. These include hedgehog boxes and planters made by Brian Amherst and bird boxes and feeders made by their member Ian. These can be ordered from Men in Sheds now. Various community groups have also been helped by the Shed. From benches for the Promenade Bowls Club to therapy items for the local primary school. 

Membership and more information

Membership to Hornsea Men in Sheds is £12.50 a month and is open to all genders despite the name. You can find out more by e-mailing: Hornseameninsheds@gmail.com or by contacting them through their Facebook page, or by calling Alan on 07710 309007.

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