Hornsea Community News

Will the lights shine in 2019?

Hornsea and District Chamber of Trade have been responsible for the Christmas lights and switch on event in Hornsea since 1986. This year however, the group behind the lights are desperately looking for funding to keep the tradition going.
If you are holding a fundraiser and need a good cause please think about supporting the Chamber of Trade. If you are a business and would like to sponsor the lights please get in touch with Secretary Nicki Salvidge nsalvidge22@btinternet.com.
The annual scarecrow trail will be held again this year. The trail will take place between 19-28 July and this years theme is musicals. Funds raised from this event go towards funding the lights, so please take part.
We have also applied to Tesco for bags of help funding, if you see our name on there please remember to pop your token in our box.