Hornsea Community News

See the Story of the Seaplanes

The Civic Society have now installed a set of 3 information boards on Kirkholme Point at The Mere. Thanks to the ‘Hornsea’s Flying Sailors’ display at the Museum, many more people will now be aware of the connection with the Royal Naval Air service of WW1, but they may not be aware that this is not the whole story.
The use of the Mere by seaplanes actually covers the period from June 1913 to December 1944. Our 3 boards show the complete story, with many illustrations. All the artwork was done by Barry Dipper who also produced the artwork for the Museum display.
The first ever flight of a seaplane from Hornsea Mere was actually on June 12th 1913 when ‘Waterhen’ (the first successful hydroplane) flew from the Mere as the star attraction at the Hornsea Horse show of that year.
The flimsy biplane with its large central float had been built by the ‘Lakes Flying Company’ at Lake Windermere and was brought down to Hornsea, towed behind a steam traction engine. It was launched onto the Mere and the pilot, Herbert Stanley Adams, gave a flying display and later took up a few members of the public in the two-seater aircraft. A crowd of 5,000 attended the event.
The 1st of our boards covers this story, whilst the 2nd board covers WW1. The 3rd board covers the period up to WW2.
Although there had been some trials with flying boats prior to WW2, the Mere was never officially used as a seaplane base during WW2, although there was some occasional activity
The final use of the Mere was just before Christmas 1944 when there was an unofficial landing of a Supermarine Walrus amphibian flying boat, which was based at Hutton Cranswick.
On a different subject, the Civic Society Tree planting scheme in Hallgarth Park will be starting on Saturday 5th January. We will be appealing nearer the time on our Facebook page, for volunteers to help with the planting. Volunteers will need to bring their own spade and wear appropriate footwear and clothing. Refreshments will be provided.