Hornsea Community News

Happy 50th Birthday to the Lions

Lions Report for January 2017 2017 is a special year for us as it marks the 50th anniversary of the club being formed The club has come a long way since 23 men (YES, it was men only in those days) decided to become ‘ordinary people doing amazing things’ and become part of the ‘Largest Service Organisation’ in the world and form Hornsea District Lions Club. The charter ceremony was held in Mascotte House, a local club, the site of which now houses Mascotte Gardens Housing Estate and from where Mascotte ‘Players’ takes its name.  They continued to meet there until it burnt down in 1984.  Club meetings have been held in a number of places since, including, ‘The Vic’ and ‘Rose and Crown’.  We currently meet in the Golf Club. A couple of founder members will be well known to a lot of people, Bill Underwood MBE and Reg Williams.  Since those early days, a number of notable things have been achieved. The stone Lions which are in the Memorial Gardens were acquired (don’t ask how!!) from outside the Criterion Cinema in George street Hull and moved into their present location.  The large Beam/log in the gardens is one of the original support posts for Hornsea Pier.  It was salvaged and moved, with great difficulty, in 1981 when Ken Bell (who now has an award in his memory) was President. The Lions Shop had very small beginnings.  It was originally in a Portable unit in Newbegin where Heron now stands.  It continued to grow and after a number of venues, opened up in its present location as a ‘Super Store/Aladdin’s Cave’ in 2000. In the spring of 1990, Mrs Windle of Meregarth asked the Lions if they could take a party of Pensioners to Cherry Burton Church to view a display of antique wedding dresses.  From little acorns, great oak trees grow and on 19th May 1991 six coaches of happy Pensioners set off on day out to Goatland and Whitby. The rest, as they say, is history. To mark our ‘Half Century’, a number of things are planned for this year.  The main one (which has been in the planning for the last 3 years) is the construction of a ‘Band Stand/Performance area’ in the Memorial Gardens.  Work is due to start soon.  It is anticipated that everything will be complete for some entertaining performances to take place in the summer. Our current membership is 28 with a team of hardworking volunteers numbering about 30.  We all work together as one big happy team, giving our time and energy completely free.  We do have a lot of fun and enjoyment along the way.  The pleasure you get from those less well off than yourself is immeasurable. If YOU feel that you would like to join us, please call into the shop and pick up an application form or speak to any of the Lions.