Hornsea Community News

Ending the Battle of the Sexes

Following a lively and enjoyable discussion on the subject of meat eating on 14th November, those present have chosen a topical subject for the next Discussion/Social evening on Tuesday 19th December at Kelpies (Bank Street). In the past month the media has been saturated with revelations about sexual abuse and misconduct, usually committed by men against women. It seems also that the election of Donald Trump in the US has prompted many more women to find their voices and vent their anger. Are we in the midst of a female uprising or feminist revolution? Are women capable of changing the world for the better and leading us away from the path of violence and destruction of the environment along which our patriarchal society has led us? Can men perform a useful role in this new society which doesn’t involve violence and aggression? What should this role be? Can men and women come to understand each other and learn to live in harmony? Should we be getting together more to talk about men’s and women’s issues? These and other related questions will be under the spotlight on December 19th so why not come along and have a break from Christmas preparations? It’s free! The last discussion has resulted in the formation of a Hornsea Vegans group and a Facebook page ‘Hornsea Vegans’ has been started. Plans are afoot for shared meals and vegan cookery demos. Home Grown Hornsea Mission Statement By thinking globally and acting locally we aim to build upon the already special community spirit in our town to initiate projects which promote local, healthy food, holistic health care, community owned renewable energy, sustainable transport, progressive education, a thriving local economy, people power and an environment in which both nature and people will thrive.