Hornsea Community News

An Alternative Approach to Health

An Alternative Approach to Health

 “Let your Medicine be Food and Food be your Medicine”- Hippocrates

Did you know that there are some places in the World where many people not only live to be over a hundred but are also fit, active, happy and virtually disease free?

The peoples of Abkhasia (Caucuses), Vilacamba (Ecuador), Hunza (Pakistan) and Okinawa (Japan) have all been the subject of extensive research in recent years by scientists trying to uncover the secrets of their amazing longevity and well-being. The results of their research are not only astonishing but also a source of great hope for the rest of us. Enjoying a healthy environment, loving and supportive communities and plenty of exercise are, undoubtedly, contributory factors to their success, but there is one characteristic shared by these four cultures which sets them apart from all other cultures around the world– their relationship to food. Their diets show remarkable similarities in the key elements: The members of local charity Home Grown Hornsea believe that we in the West could achieve amazing health benefits, as well as being kinder to the environment and to animals by following these guidelines. Furthermore, they are convinced that by doing so we can produce meals that are both satisfying and delicious! For these reasons Home Grown Hornsea has teamed up with St. Nicholas Church in Hornsea to set up East Yorkshire’s first ever Salad, Soups and Smoothie Bar with the aid of a generous grant from the Yorhub 4GoodFund and Hall Construction Ltd. In September the refurbished Hollis room at the Parish Hall, which already houses the Food Bank, will become multi functional and open its doors to everyone who would like to enjoy a totally unique and enchanting eating experience. Whether it be for a refreshing drink, a healthy snack or a complete, nutrition packed meal, this is not an opportunity to be missed! The cafe will also contain its own whole food shop, supplying a range of local, organic, Fair Trade and health foods.  The centre will provide the opportunity for local growers to bring in their surplus produce to donate, barter or sell to the cafe. This has the aim of encouraging more people to grow their own food. Any profits from the project will be shared between the church, for maintenance of the building and for funding another partnership with Penny Brohn Cancer Care. The charity has Prince Charles as its Patron and takes a ‘Whole Person Approach’ to cancer care. The centre will provide a base from which the charity can offer complimentary therapies as well as advice on lifestyle, nutrition and stress management. The charity is funded by the City Health Care Partnership and its approach is designed to work alongside standard medical care treatments. See www.pennybrohncancercare.org for more information. For the project to fulfil its true potential  it will need the help of volunteers and, in the long term, paid staff . If anyone would like more information or to become involved with the project please ring 0795 829 83 65)