Hornsea Community News

Hornsea Music Society look forward to January 2017

December is always a busy month, so the Hornsea Music Society concert season takes a break.  2016 has been another successful year, with some splendid concerts.  The Society has certainly fulfilled its twin aims of giving local people a chance to enjoy live classical music and enjoy a sociable evening at the same time. The year began with Bass Mike Leigh, who began a procession of talent from all over the country, ending up with a spectacular concert from Hull-based New International Chamber Ensemble (NICE), mulled wine, mince pies.  Unfortunately, the year has also marked the passing of longstanding members, including the Society’s President, Brian Rix and compere, Malcolm Loades.  They will be missed by their many friends in the Society. As we all look forward to the New Year, Hornsea Music Society is using the City of Culture as its theme.  The first concert will be given by violinist, Harry Kneeshaw, and local cornet player Sarah Kissack (daughter of Rev Jamie who has recently left us to take up a post in Sheffield- pictured).  These young players already have impressive CVs, so the high standard will be continuing.  Harry was the youngest member of the National Youth Orchestra when he joined in 2015, while Sarah was principal cornet of the East Riding Youth Band for four years. The concert is on Saturday 21st January, at Hornsea United Reformed Church, starting at 7.30 pm.  Tickets are £10 for adults, and are available from Vernon Galleries, Newbegin, Hornsea (01964 532986).  Accompanied children get in free. Before then, Saturday 7th January, sees the New Year party at St. Nicholas Parish Church Hall, Newbegin, Hornsea.  Both members and non-members are welcome to join in this social evening, which will include musical entertainment, a raffle, and not least the Society’s legendary sumptuous buffet.  Let’s see if last year’s record breaking attendance can be repeated.  Admission is £6, and doors open at 7 for 7.30 pm. In the meantime, the Hornsea Music Society wishes everyone a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year.  We look forward to seeing you at a concert in 2017.